
Showing posts from November, 2022


  AFRICA SCHOOL OF SCIENCES AND COMMERCIAL STUDIES MATRICULATION: TIME TO PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE AHEAD AND REFLECTION OF A BETTER TOMMOROW Dear EAM Newly Admitted Students,  It's a huge privilege to know this ceremonial day in which young leaders of EAM, Benin Republic and Nigeria at large are initiated into the Struggle for the greatness ahead, I wish to use this opportunity to congratulate the Newly Matriculated Students into the Prestigious and Centralized Africa School of Science and Commercial Studies. Passing through the tough Admission process successfully is a great joy and beginning of hard work! Today, you are fully and officially recognized by our dear University and you have sworn to remain a law abiding Student who will contribute positively towards nation building with your academic throughout your stay on Campus as you (we) are not ending here. You have today become the Ambassador of your Family, Community, State and even the Country at large as long as you rema...


YES I FOUND IT!!! THE REASON WHY WE APPEAR WEAK AND POWERLESS DESPITE OUR PRAYERS PART1 The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].” ‭‭James‬ ‭5:16‬b ‭AMPC‬‬ From the above scripture we see that the technology that makes power available to a believer is prayer, I give praise to God that some of us including myself in our generation have pioneered a prayer movement among the young people from our denominations and across the body of Christ, from 12 hours prayers to 48 hours to 72 hours to several days of shut down. My generation is not alien to all these, so the issue here is not whether we pray or not but why are we powerless with our prayers. I have read about the prayer life of Jesus and the results that followed, same with Elijah , Apostle Paul, well we might say those are Bible guys what about men like Charlse G Finey, D.L Moody, John Knox, Ayo Babalola, Daddy Adeboye and the host of others. We read and h...