Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Matthew 6:30.

The Lord showed us that the issue of faith has become so important these days. We can no longer ignore its challenges on end-time generation.

The Lord said this to those full of anxiety. Those who fear what tomorrow holds. Those who because of the fear of the future could not decide for God or carry out God's assignment. 

I may not know what tomorrow holds, in as much I know who holds tomorrow, my tomorrow will be alright. I am better than the Lily the Lord cares for.

Jesus Christ also used it for the disciples who woke Him up because of storm while Jesus was sleeping right inside the ship they boarded. Matthew 8:26.

This phrase was used by the Lord to Peter. Jesus was walking on the water, Peter asked if he too should walk to meet Jesus. He gave him assurance to walk on his water. He stepped out and walked. Just because of storm, he doubted and began to sink. Matthew 14:31.

What are the words of Jesus you too are doubting because of what is happening to you? "Let the weak say, I am strong." Joel 3:10.

In Mat. 16:8, after the disciples crossed over but forgot their meal behind, they began to worry, lament and feel jittery. They forgot the feeding of five thousand men, aside women and children. Yet, there was left over of twelve basket full.

When you forget what the Lord has done in the past, you are bound to operate little faith. 

David remembered what the Lord did for him in the wilderness; with that strength and faith he confronted Goliath and defeated him. If you forget what the Lord has done so soon, little faith will rule your life.

O ye of little faith? As such persons are, who distrust the providence of God, with respect to food and raiment.

"Says R. Eliezer the Great, whoever has a morsel in his basket, and says, what shall I eat tomorrow?


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