"I tell you that he will avenge, them speedily., Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? " Luke 18:8.
Faith is rooted in our connection with God's word while fate is resting in other things and beings outside God. While faith is believe in unchanging God that has the capacity to change everything and anything, fate is submission to immutable law of the universe and inevitable necessity.
The difference between faith and fate is in what they believe.
Faith is simply your strong believe in what God has said. It is in holding on to what He said He can do. It is in believing in what He said He will do. Whereas, fate is just to believe yourself, result to self help, your gun, your boss, your papa, your mama, your business, your idolatry or other external powers.
Depending in arm of flesh will not and cannot do us any good. It will only set us and what we trust in against the living God.
Idol worshippers are even worse. They have not yet understand that they are worshipers of nothing,
They so believe in idol worship, until they become idol themselves and metamorphose into nothing. Therefore, those who believe in nothing, amount to nothing and end up as nothing. Psalms 115:4-8; 135:15-18.
But faith comes by hearing the word of God: Romans10:17.
I have heard some people who claim to have strong mind, yes, strong mind is good but strong mind is not faith but fate. Strong mind without faith in the Almighty will melt before devil's assault. It is faith in the Lord that will let the Holy Spirit raise standard against the devil's attacks. Isaiah 59:19.
Faith in God is like electric appliance plugged into the socket with live current, it will serve its purpose. If you want to be relevant in your generation, have faith in God.
Prayer: Father, let my confidence be in nothing else, but be rooted in you and your words continually in Jesus name.
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